

Ready the Backpacks

           The presence of the Bicol Express Train and its historic contribution arouses the researchers curiosity and the thrill of having the opportunity to ride a train started it all. Then our Team Adviser Sir Raphie Acabado together with Team Coaches Ma'am Elisa San Andres, Ma'am Nelia Hernandez and Ma'am Catherine Ramos joined forces and formed the group consisting of five members from two different year levels, namely; John Oliver Delantar  of 3-Honorables, Jessa Mae Aguilar, Kimberly Jean Labayane, Patrick Gutierrez  all of 4-Scherzo and John Paul Antioquia of 4-Rococo.

      The group sought the help of Ma'am Jo Carandang in conceptualizing the blog's lay-out and gave some inputs in the total outlook of the blog. She eventually became the Team's Moderator.

 Witness the experiences, hardships and happiness that the team had for this blog. 

Getting On-Board

     Right after the team was formed, with the aid and immense support of Ma'am Nel the group immediately constructed and brainstormed about the desired category and topic. Tons of ideas were voiced out before arriving at the current topic -The Bicol Express Train. Then, research and gathering of initial details were done right away.
     Knowing that the internet contains evasive and inadequate information, the working group instantly found time visiting the PNR main office here in Naga City, collaborating and keeping in touch with its officials and staffs to gather the needed data.

     First stop was in the office of Mr. Constancio Toledano the Head Officer of the Operational Management Division. This rousing and eminent person helps the group by providing massive information and ideas.

Craving for more infos about Bicol Express Train? Go and watch this video.

     After the educational and amusing talk we had with Mr. Toledano, the team immediately proceeded to the Mechanical Department headed by Mr. Edgar Jimenez. The visit to the Mechanical Department gave the researchers a once in a lifetime experience as they actually saw and learned different functions of train parts and even its actual operation. They even got a bonus of riding in the train as it moves backward for its inspection.

             Presenting the mechanical side of B.E.T

       The concern of the Engineering Department is to check the railways on a daily basis, find out and eventually repairs damage rails and check the elevation and curvature of the trails. Engr. Jaime Del Rosario in his interview emphasizes the importance of the job of his staff because without their work even if the train is okay, it wouldn't operate without the rails.
                       Engr. del Rosario explains further....


On the Road: Conceptualizing the Blog Design

        Even without so much background and expertise in designing a blog, still the group persevere to come up with a design model wherein every page is bursting with details. Designing wasn’t the group’s weakness since there are efficient members who are good in digital conceptualization. But the real predicament was coding the CSS lay-out that’s why members do the multi-tasking jobs of studying, watching, reading and doing experiments to accomplish the design that pleases everyone’s eyes. The team's decision on the design structure are based on the modernized but traditional-looking train with refreshing ambiance that would give the impression of idyllic travel to the place where the track lies. Since the group is featuring a revision of a train to modernism, this is the ideal concept that fits the theme.

    The group decided to use excellent programs and softwares that will make the blog appear fascinating and functional. Some of these are Microsoft Word 2007 for the write-ups, Ulead Video Studio 11, Corel Video Studio Pro X4 and Cyberlink Power Director 9 for videos, Adobe Photoshop CS4, Adobe Fireworks CS3, Adobe Lightroom 3, Photoscape 3.5, Picasa 3  for the images, and finally, Adobe Flash CS3 for the header and other flashes.

The Team's Journey.

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