Team Profile

Check out the wacky side of the bloggers!


John Paul C. Antioquia 

The Team Leader.The next Barrack Obama. 
Jaypee grew up to be an experienced leader of today; you would often see him being in-command on school projects and elsewhere. His leadership was unquestionably good for he is well-organized and serious towards work. He is the one who provides subsequent tasks or plans to be followed. Comparable to a wheel giving the train the right track toward its destination. His job also includes writing extra write-ups, doing lay outs and monitoring the group's progress.The team's multi-tasker! 

Patrick B.Gutierrez 

The Comical Computer Expert. 

He does all the technical works while throwing his "punch lines". He has the vital task of making the blog as well as the editing of pictures, videos and animations. This technical expert helps the group to obtain a good and enthralling output. Believe it or not, he is the voice behind the videos. The next Steve Gates (Bill Gates + Steve Jobs).

Jessa Mae P. Aguilar  

A Goal-oriented Lady behind an Angelic Face.

She technically writes the details but gives surprising outputs when she adds heart and emotion into her write-ups. She's always reliable and calm when panic strikes, which become contagious to the group. Her main task was building breathtaking and astonishing write-ups and setting up words to make the video blog eloquent and more suggestive. The next Adele. (And a little Stephenie Meyer.)

Kimberly Jean R. Labayane 

Most Loquacious Writer of All time.

As one of the writers, her optimistic and hardworking attitude aids a lot in developing more brilliant write-ups and ideas necessary in making the blog. This sharp-witted and anime lover plays a big part in putting thoughts from pen and paper to topics that provide beguiling and arousing words. Pictures may not give justice to her beauty but mind you, personally she is a head turner. The next "unimaginative" J.K Rowling.

John Oliver O. Delantar 

Silent-worker, Talkative Actor.

This lad, the youngest among us, helps out in doing the narration as well as the interviews essential in making the blog videos more dazzling. Watch out for this next Ryan Seacrest...the camera loves him!  

Sir Raphael Acabado 

The Ever Supportive and Creative Adviser.

He is the one liable in checking and editing the overall write-ups as well as giving assessments regarding the blog's outlook. Sir Raphie goes along with the troop in conducting interviews and digging-up information pertaining to the topic. Move out Superman! Sir Raphie can pull the train!

Ma'am Nelia Hernandez

Our Motherly Coach

She gives advices with her calm and sensible voice though she intends to persuade or scold us for a slow progress, she remained with her low tone and pitch. That's one asset that makes the team work with happiness and not with pressure and fear.

Ma'am Elisa San Andres 

Our Chivalrous Coach.

She's the one who escorts the team whenever Sir Raphie is not around. Ma'am Elisa is always on the go assisting the group and accompanying us whenever we need a hand.

Ma'am Cathy Ramos

The Dead-Serious Coach.

She is the exact opposite of Ma'am Nel. Behind a kind face is a lioness that give us the tough love that makes us run our accelerator to work. Her strategy is effective and electrifying when we are in state of boredom and laziness.

Ma'am Joretze Carandang 

Strict but  Awesome Moderator.

She carried out all the editing of write-ups and all the technical-related matter as well as the video blogs for further improvement. She's also the one accountable in making our blog more mind-boggling than what is expected.

Sulpicio C. Alferez III
School Principal

The Keeper of the Scepter
He holds the authority and in his commands resides our future and effectiveness. Without his permission to have overtimes inside the computer lab and signature in the excuse letters the bloggers will never have a chance to show their excellence.

The Team:

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